You require a timer as soon as possible. Do a Google search for "timer" and one will surface for you to utilize. There's also a stopwatch option. Isn't it simple?
Here's another clever technological tip: I'm amazed so many people make mistakes. Before drafting the message, most people fill out the email recipient section. That is an error. Make that your final step; that way, you'll have a lot smaller possibility of sending an email before it's genuinely ready to send.
You need to get a timer as soon as feasible. A Google search for "timer" will yield one for you to use. A stopwatch is also available. Isn't it straightforward?
Another brilliant technological hint: I'm astounded by how many individuals make mistakes. Most individuals fill out the email recipient field before writing the message. That is a mistake. Make that your final step; this way, you'll have a far lower chance of sending an email before it's truly ready to send.
Shhh: On your smartphone, you can instantly stop incoming calls by tapping the side button, volume up, or volume down button once. Nice.
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Shortcuts for YouTube: Tap keys 0 through 9 on your computer to skip to a specified portion of the video. Press 5 to get 50%, 8 to get 80%, and so on. But hold on, there's more! To rewind, press J, and to fast forward, press L. ("JLo" is a simple method to remember this.) But first, press K to halt.
Forgetful? Carry it out! Are you the type of person who gets an email or text and mentally tells themselves to respond later... but never does? Stop relying solely on memory! Mark the message as unread. This can be found in the settings section of your email or conversation. You can also say something like, "Hey Siri/Google, remind me to share Kim's newsletter at noon."
atOptions = { 'key' : 'ce7be2bfc9ff0dfa9a37f848ed898a00', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 90, 'width' : 728, 'params' : {} }; document.write('
Instead of looking for a level, grab your phone the next time you hang a frame. Launch the Measure app on your iPhone. Hold your iPhone against an object, then tap Level. Open the Google app on Android and search for "bubble level."
Perfect podcast: Listen to my award-winning daily podcast for tech tips every day. I share the most recent tech news, ideas, and guidance with callers like you.
You know you sent someone a picture, but you can't find it. Open Messages on your iPhone, then tap a discussion, then the person's profile photo or group name. Scroll down to Photos > View All. Open Messages on Android, then tap the search bar at the top.
Obtain perfect action photos by: If you have an iPhone X or earlier, press and hold the shutter button. If you have an iPhone Xs or later, swipe the shutter button to the left. In any case, lift your finger to exit burst mode. Tap Burst > Select > Done to select the finest photos. Hold down the shutter button on your Android phone to activate burst mode.
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Tab shortcuts: If you have a lot of tabs open, this is a quick method to navigate. To get to that tab number, press Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, and so on. Command + a number on a Mac. To switch between tabs, press Ctrl + Tab on Windows or Cmd + Tab on Mac.
Send it later: You're writing an email at 9 p.m. Rather than sending it right away, plan it for the morning when you know your receiver will be awake. Click the arrow next to Send in Gmail, then Schedule send. Most service providers offer something comparable.
Do you want to get rid of an outdated printer? It may be factory reset to delete the specifics of anything you've printed over the years (such as tax forms). Unplug the printer before looking for the Reset button on the back or bottom. Plug it back in while holding down the Reset button. All of your personal data will be destroyed once the lights stop flashing.
Is your printer out of black ink? Make the color #010101. It will appear black, but it is actually 99% gray. While you're at it, reduce the font size and use Courier New or Garamond. They use the least amount of ink.
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the permissions dialog is covered by quick ball