The first trailer for The Marvels, released earlier this year, indicated that Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), and Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani) have been oddly linked through their powers. When they employ their powers, they are teleported into each other's positions, even across galaxies. The new teaser for The Marvels shows that this was not an accident, as we previously thought.
Carol begins her research of a wormhole linked to the Kree revolutionary Dar-Benn (Zawe Ashton). We might also suppose that the three heroines were linked for reasons other than their identical abilities. Kamala, like Monica, openly idolizes Carol as her personal hero. Monica, on the other hand, no longer regards her "Aunt Carol" with venerion, and there appear to be strained relations between them.
Regardless, the unique nature of this threat necessitates that all three heroines remain in close proximity to one another in case of another changeover. This is a dream come true for Kamala. While Carol and Monica disagree, they will have to set their differences aside if they want a chance to beat Dar-Benn and return their powers to their prior state.
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